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Prayer requests


Please pray we are able to raise more support. We are currently in the USA meeting with partners and potential partners.

We are leaving Izrael, our oldest son behind in the US as he is starting Bethany Global University in the middle of August. Please pray for him as he transitions into the American culture.

Would you please pray about partnering with us in prayer and monthly financial support.

Past Prayer Requests:

Prayer requests for our work in Ukraine


9 families are leaving Poltava, Ukraine tonight. They just got on the train 8 minutes ago to head to the city in Ukraine  I went to last week. We are praying for their safety. They should be in Mukachevo Ukraine by tomorrow. It's a safe place and they can stay there until we find them places in Hungary. Each of these 9 families have disabled children, therefor harder to find them accommodations.

This last week we have started an accredited international Bible School at our church that can give a BA college degree in about 3,5-4 years. We have about 10 people attending it. Please pray for these students as we get deep into God's Word. Pray that the Holy Spirit leads us to the truth and teaches us as we study the Bible. I'm the instructional teacher in this Bible School. Please pray for me as I'm leading it.

December is a busy month for us. Please pray for the various ministry opportunities here. We are doing several outreaches in the city of Sopron.

-Starting with a game night for the youth. The missionary interns are very excited about this.

-Christmas Tea- Outreach to women

-We are preparing Christmas packages for old people and delivering them into their homes, hoping we can pray for them and share the gospel.

-We are preparing to bake more than 2000 cookies to take them out to the Christmas market and share the good news with people their.

-On Dec 24th our team is helping out serving food at the local homeless shelter.

Please pray that these are not just merely human efforts, but the Holy Spirit is out with us as we are serving. Pray that we can be open to hear what God is giving us in each of these situations.

This week we have the VBS camp for 2 orphanages. We are also inviting kids from the community. Please pray for us  as it is sometimes very difficult to work with orphans. Pray that the presence of God touches their lives.

We are helping with 2 VBS summer camps for the orphans. One of them starts July 30th to Aug 3rd, the other one starts Aug 13 through the 17th. Please pray for these kids to encounter God and pray for us also.

We have our summer Christian English Camp coming up between June 18 and 21. Geared towards non Christian kids from our English Club. Please pray for this camp.

We are organizing a 12 hour worship event on Pentecost, May 21st.
Please pray for this even if you cannot be present. This is a historic event in this city as it brings so many denominations together to worship our Creator who is worthy to be praised!

March 28 2018. 

This next couple of weeks we have a lot going on. Leslie and I are preaching at the Assemblies of God church for Easter. Next week we have a mission team coming for 10 days to our church and helping them. Another event is happening next week April 3-7. The Bus for Life is coming to town. This is a pro-life mobile center, where they have sessions with videos for High School age students. About 750 students signed up to visit this bus. We park it at different High Schools every day and one day it is going to be open for the public at a public park. Please pray for these events. I'll update you on it once the mission team has left.  We really appreciate your support. Thank you,

We are traveling to a church 2 hours away on November 11-12th to share with them God's love. Please pray for us as we minister there. Pray that God's presence touches us.


Please pray for a suitable vehicle for us. It is very hard to get a car that is not stolen or the odometer is not tempered with. We need a seven seater good gas mileage vehicle.

08/09/2017 Update: we have found a car  in Budapest with 6 seats that is automatic. We paid for it and have to wait a few days for the paperwork to go through. Thanks for your prayers! Hope to travel to Budapest tomorrow to pick it up. That is about 3 hours car ride from where we live.

Dec 2, 2017. We are planning an American Christmas Party at our church for our English Club. Invited all of the kids who are part of it. We are hoping to present the Gospel to kids, siblings and parents.

We will have  a Christmas program, American cookies, games and lot of fun.

Please pray for this event that takes place on December 16th, Saturday 15-17h


Event was a huge success with about 40 people there. The gospel was clearly presented. 


We have arrived to Hungary! Zion got sick and throwing up. Selah was crying that she wants to go home but after a little pep talk she was fine and ready for mission. She's just really misses home. Our housing situation is a bit different than we expected so we might have to look for something to rent. Leslie and I were ready to turn back to the US after the first night (we needed some debriefing and pep talk). The two other boys are loving it here. As you can see we need your prayers desperately.

07/25/2017 - Update: We had some time to adjust here. Things settled down a little more. Zion is all better now. Selah is also doing better. Leslie and I are adjusting well. We were just tired and had to spend some time in prayer. Today we were walking in town praying over the city.

On August 15th we are going to a 4 day camp about 4 hours away in a small village. The average age in this town is 10 years old. Most of the kids are in deep poverty. Some girls have children at 13 years of age and by the time they are in their 20's they are grandmothers. Please pray for us to make an impact serving and praying for these kids.

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