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Our Story

Here is the story of us moving to Hungary! We have been going back and forth for a while in thinking about moving to Hungary, we felt God nudging us but I always had some kind of excuse. I have a long list really, some of those included: There are foreigners here; I actually work with them already. My youngest son has some social issues…I can’t bring him to a country that does not even speak the same language, this will set him behind. We are in our 40’s we need to save for retirement. My plan for my life went like this…We bought our ‘starter’ home 11 years ago. Norbi finished his MBA a year ago. I wanted a house in the country in a good school district so I wouldn’t have to home school. I wanted Norbi to get a better job preferable one that pays double. I wanted the American dream. Why would we want to go to a country that people are trying to leave? It’s a poor, hard country to live in. The average wage in this country is $500 a month, yet the cost of living is comparable to here except rent being cheaper. You can only survive there by living with your parents or them helping you in every way they can. This in the natural looks like the stupidest move ever I can’t even tell you how this defies any ounce of logic that I have. So we asked God if you are really telling us to go we need confirmation and a lot of it! We need our children to know this is from you. So here it started…My son starts dreaming, even dreaming that he is speaking in Hungarian. Our other son also has a dream. Norbi starts getting ideas of what we can do in Hungary and sits down and writes of a twofold vision the first part is to start an afterschool English program, the second part traveling to churches to pray for people for healing. In church on a Sunday morning I have this ‘knowing’ in my spirit that this is the way walk in it. That next Wednesday in church Selah felt this amazing presence come over her and God spoke to her that you will go to Hungary, I will prepare the way and I will be with you even in hard times. She was crying telling me of her experience with God. The very next morning we get a phone call that a public school in Hungary wants us there, they have a room that they will rent and will help us in anyway. For the next several weeks I would wake up in the night in complete shock that we were really going there. So many lists were started: we have to get our house ready to sell: paint, carpet, repairs and the list went on. So the house is being sold, garage sale is being planned, vehicles being sold. It is a conflict of emotions going on as you can imagine. Grief of giving up everything, fear in Norbi giving up his job, I give up my 2 jobs, saying Good bye to an amazing group of people around us. I cry thinking about leaving our church. Excitement in seeing what God is going to do and why we are to go there! He has sent so much encouragement to us through people even complete strangers. It really has been an amazing journey.

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