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2023 Year in Review 


Couple of interesting things happened at the beginning of the year.

The first one was that we were asked to be part of a national ‘spiritual parliament’.

In the physical we have a government and parliament that leads the country. In the spiritual realm we need to lead the country and influence it with our prayers but for now it has been cleaning up the mess that has been left far too long. More about that later…


The second was that Norbi wanted to go to Israel. This was no small miracle. I had wanted to go for years, and his answer was always, ‘after I die you can go’. I could never understand this as he is the grandson of a holocaust survivor. So, in April we left, and it was one of the most intense experiences of our lives. At first it was amazing to see Jerusalem and be at the house of prayer, see the historical sites then it shifted into an intense time. Time of prayer and fasting was called, soon over 1,000 rockets were fired at Israel. A mob of angry ultra orthodox protestors met us at the entry of a prayer event, yelling, spitting and physically assaulting people. The rest of our time there was tense but even in all that our hearts were grabbed for Israel. Little did we know why we were there and what was to follow in Hungary.

At Mount Moriah in Jerusalem

We are at the House of Prayer in Jerusalem, overlooking Mount Zion, the Temple Mount and Mount Olives

Our Midnight to 4am prayer time in the prayer room in Jerusalem

At the end of July my best friend from bible college came with her husband for a ministry trip. We brought them in to see the house of prayer in town and what was going to be a quick prayer turned into 2 hours of her weeping and travailing over what had happened here in the Holocaust.

Leslie and Gloria at the House of Prayer in Sopron

Next stop was Zion summit 2. Our house of prayer group hosted this event. This was the time of letting the Holy Spirit do what he wants to do. It was amazing to see as people getting set free and delivered, experiencing God in ways they never had before. My mind brings before me the Catholic priest that was laying on the ground under the presences of the Holy Spirit. We later heard he had been set free from anxiety. We cried out for a nation that for too long has been under depression and anxiety. We experienced the fathers love in a powerful way. 

Zion Summit 2 at the Lake Balaton during summer

Zion Summit 2 at the Lake Balaton during summer


Ukraine Aid trips. We have been doing these as the finances are released. I lost track of how many we did of these this year. If we have money donated for it, we will go and buy food and go to the churches in Ukraine and share.  

Leslie and Gloria in Ukraine

Preparing food portions for 70 families in Ukraine


Jesus Film Project. We received the 14 backpack projectors in the spring and have been meeting with people to set up house churches in 11 locations using these ministry tools. 

Jesus film project in a gypsy village North East of Hungary

Jesus Film project for Ukrainian refugee kids


Local Church in Sopron. Norbi is still in leadership there and carries on the regular schedule of preaching and prayer meeting. 

Part of the worship team playing my bass guitar I got from the Rileys

Leading worship at the local church with my friend Jeremy

Out on a ministry trip with my church and family

This fall I (Leslie) was facing some health problems and had surgery in October. Interestingly, they didn’t do what they said they were going to do. I had no option but trust God to heal me. So, He DID a month later at the Zion Summit 3. It was confirmed by 2 doctors. Thank you, Jesus, for the cross! 


In October the war started in Israel and our roommate in Israel dear Joanne had flown here and was living with us. This was very significant regarding Hungary receiving healing for what happened during the Holocaust. 

Another big event was that in November our house of prayer hosted Justin Rizzo an American worship leader. He was there for 2 out of the 3 days of the Zion Summit 3. We had a great time, but what broke out the next day was mind blowing. I can’t even find the right words to use because it was the Holy Spirit that did this. He brought mass repentance and deliverance to the country regarding the Holocaust. Many, many things were going on at the same time. I was experiencing a great pain in the hearts of the Hungarian people over what had happened here. There is SO much bloodshed. It is a deep pain that has been pushed down and covered up, but Jesus on the cross took that pain also. Hungarians needed to receive God’s forgiveness for what they did. It was a powerful experience to see people weeping, shaking, coughing in the deliverance of the Holy Spirit! 

The Core team of organizers of the Zion Summit 3
ZionBand at the Zion Summit 3

Last week the Core group of the spiritual parliament (8 of us) got invited into the Hungarian parliament where we spent about 4 hours praying, talking, dining and taking up the mantel that other countries spiritual representatives passed down to us.

The Parliament in Budapest

Praying and discussing matter in one of the room inside the Parliament

Praying over the mantel

I forgot to mention this at the beginning, but God brought into our lives a group of Czech people. They have come along side of us and have been helping in this process. Next week a group of us will meet from Czech, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary (The 4 Chambers of the Heart Movement), the heart of Europe to pray and see God’s healing for our land. For things to change in the physical they first need to be changed in the spiritual realm!  

In all of this, I am deeply encouraged. Has it been easy? No. We have faced great difficulty, lots of spiritual attacks but God promises to rescue us out of all of them! I am encouraged, because in the spiritual realm things are shifting here.

We are so thankful for your prayers and support of us here. Because of you, we can be here!

In all this, we need your prayers more than ever. If you are willing to stand behind us as intercessors over this newly formed spiritual government, please let us know.

Blessings to you during this Christmas season.

The Bán Family



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