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Update on my trip

Dear Prayer Partners,

Thank you for so many of you responding to my prayer request and sending me encouraging notes. I deeply appreciate it!

I got home just before Easter, but right after I got home, I got sick with something, fever, headache, and bad cough. I have been in bed for the last 5 days with a fever.

NEW PRAYER REQUEST: I leave in 1 day, Friday for a weekend of meetings. Please pray this fever breaks and I can drive again, as it is four ½ hours away. I also need strength for this conference. Thank you so much!

I want to let you know that I tangibly felt your prayers. I was able to make it in the car, driving almost 7 hours and without any pain medicine. This was truly a miracle!

When we got there, I had a couple of rough days, but then coming home and driving was pain free again. Thank you for your prayers again.

We arrived to a town Békés to partner with the National Gypsy Mission, to teach leaders how to use the Jesus Film to reach people with the Gospel and how to think outside of the box. The goal is to have people receive Jesus and be disciple makers. That is our calling.

We had three amazing people, Darin, Mark, and Lisa, traveling from the US base of Jesus Film Project. It was an honor to serve with them as they were teaching us.

On the way home we stopped at the largest church in Hungary. We also had the opportunity to tour the third largest TV station (ATV) in Hungary. We met with the Deputy Program Manager of the station and discussed further cooperation with Jesus Film Project. They showed us the ads of the Jesus Film that they were ready to broadcast on Easter Sunday.


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