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Mission Update, Summer 2024

Trip to Albania

My good friend from England invited me to join him on a mission trip to Albania. I felt the call and decided to go with him and four other men. The night before my departure, I got sick with fever and thought I am not able to make it. Talked to my friend and he mentioned that whenever he has a mission trip, he gets sick, but he just plows through, and no sickness can stop him. I have experienced this before also and was even more certain I need to go. 3 hours before I had to leave home, I still had fever but decided anyway to go. Woke up at 3 am and drove to the airport. By the time I got to Albania, I was healed. We were able to do what God has called us for. We prayed with local leaders, we shared, we encouraged them. This trip was also good to connect with people on our mission trip and bond in a Band of Brothers kind of way.

Speaking at the church in Berat, Albania

Gathered outside of the city, in a village to pray for the local pastor who has a desire to plant a church there.


Four Chambers of the Heart meeting in Austria

We try to meet quarterly with this group. I do not know if you remember what we stand for in this group. Four nations are part of this: Czech, Slovakia, Austria, and Hungary. We are the four chambers of the heart. We received this call to oversee flaming the fire over Europe, to pray for these four countries to get the heart beating. Once it starts beating, life flows through it and life is delivered to other parts of Europe.

We started our meeting by eating together. We had such a joy in this communion. Felt free, blessed, and happy. Continued with worship and dance.

Then we got the news that one of the Austrian ministry branch leader’s daughters tried to commit suicide that afternoon. The Austrian core group leader had to go to the hospital and visit with them while we were praying for the situation.

The following day we prayed and talked together. The focus was how to get out of the spiritual attacks we are continuously facing. We concluded that all of the 4 corners of these countries have some kind of pagan altar raised that connects back to the prince of Persia spirit. No other part of Hungary has an antient site like we have a few miles away from us, raised for the Mithras god. We found out, that they have in each location something similar to this and it is connected to the false Mary worship and these women goddesses form an unholy trinity (trying to mimic the Holy Trinity). These are spiritual forces that are still active in this region. We combat these through worship. Worshipping the true Living God, Father Son, and Holy Spirit.

Wiener Neustadt, Austria Four Chambers of The Heart

Wiener Neustadt, Austria



Zsaner Weekend Meeting

In June, our Hungarian core team had a weekend meeting at a cabin. We call this group Zsaner- which means hinge in Hungarian. We are the gate hinge, and we are opening the gate to the King to come in.


Zsanér meeting with Martin and Sharon

We had a core group meeting in Sopron with some special people from the US, who are considered our spiritual support, spiritual father/mother to us. This event was also focusing on what the Holy Spirit wants to heal in us and in our nation. Several topics came up like jealousy, identity in Christ..etc. We were able to bring these to God and repent before him, representing our nation.

Sopron, Hungary


Prayer at the Parliament

On June 1st, our core team (the zsaner, spiritual parliament) were invited into the Hungarian Parliament building to pray for our nation with 400 other Christian leaders. We had worship throughout the day and several prayer topics we prayed in the upper house where the country's political leaders gather. We were asked not to take pictures and videos there, but I include a photo of the hall.

Inside of the Parliament Building

Our Spiritual Parliament Team (Zsaner), in-front of the Parliament

Zion Summit 4

In July we had the 4th Zion Summit (or Sioncsúcs in Hungarian). We have been preparing for this since February. The center of this summit was worship. Worshipping our King.

Our Core Team at Zion Summit 4 (Sioncsúcs in Hungarian)

Zion Summit 4

Zion Summit 4

Zion Summit 4

Starting out Zion Summit 4 with blessing each other

Setting up the room for Zion Summit

Hernnhut, Global Watch Summit

In an interesting way, several of us got a call to go to this Global Watch Summit in Hernnhut Germany. They had the 297th anniversary of the Holy Spirit outpouring. A special place indeed. This was the place of the Moravian revival almost 300 years ago. They sent hundreds of missionaries out of this place, reaching even the United States.

The Moravian Community of Herrnhut in Saxony, in 1727, commenced a round-the-clock “prayer watch” that continued nonstop for over a hundred years. By 1791, 65 years after commencement of that prayer vigil, the small Moravian community had sent 300 missionaries to the ends of the earth.

You can read more about it here:

You can see how we gathered at the same church on the 297th anniversary:

Herrnhut, Germany 2024

Herrnhut, Germany Global Prayer Summit, 2024


Sionband has recorded a few songs

One of the Sionband member wrote several songs and we setup time to get together and record some of them. Not in the studio, just at the Sopron House of Prayer. Hopefully I can share some of them with you in a few weeks.

Sülysáp House of Prayer Camp at Lake Balaton

Our group was invited to this camp, since one of our core group team member organized it. We were at the biggest lake in Hungary, the lake Balaton. Although we were 15 minutes walk from the lake, we only had time to go there once in 4 days for a short time at night. We were really busy there ministering. We (Sionband) did some worship there also, but mainly the organizers worship team led them. This was truly a special camp, where God was working mightily.

Sabbath Communion on Friday night

Leslie is ministering to young kids

House of Prayer Camp at Lake Balaton

Norbert Playing bass guitar in worship at Lake Balaton


When we don’t have special events to attend to, we are ministering at our church in Sopron Sundays and Mondays.  Also the House of Prayer in Sopron. We have an hour and a half worship every Thursday evening, after that, usually team meeting until late at night. Friday morning Intercession/Worship- praying specifically for Israel.

This fall, we are planning to move to Budapest. The reason is, that our kids need more interaction with English speaking kids. In Sopron they don’t have friends anymore who speak English. Plus, for me, I will be closer to continue to help with the Jesus Film Project on the other side of Hungary. From Sopron, it was a 7 hours drive.

Please pray for us to find a place to rent there. We are going tomorrow and Sunday to look at apartments.

Update on the kids:

Izrael is continuing his education with Bethany online. He will be here in Hungary in November, and then in Israel for his internship.

Izaac Is at North Central University, studying Theology in MSP.

Selah is finishing up her last year of school. Zion just turned 15.





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