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Our First Week in Hungary

Well this was an action packed, crazy week that will forever be in our memories!

We said a lot of Goodbyes. Such a wide range of emotions leaving. It was hard leaving a lot of dear friends and relatives.

The airport...13 luggage to check in, 12 personal and carry-on bags, everything at max weight and over. It all went fairly smooth beside Frankfort, they examined everything way too carefully.

When we arrived, we were greeted by friends and relatives and 4 cars convoyed us into Hungary. Once arriving we went into a Hungarian home for a huge feast with food that I am still hungry for. Many thanks to Marta and Janos!

We then went to Norbi's parents home, this was a bit of a shock for us. They had offered for us to live at their house and they would move into Norbi's late Grandma's house. When we arrived though it looked as if nothing had been cleaned out, piles upon piles of stuff and garbage. Norbi had been here 3 years previous and it did not look like this than. We brought the kids through the 'junkyard' into their shed and they were happy as ever, smiling ear to ear. It is a small room with their own bathroom and wood stove for the winter. Of course, the kids think this is the best thing ever while Norbi and I are a little in a panic. We were also so tired in having missed a night of sleep.

The next couple of days consisted of trying to adjust to the time change, we would all be up in the middle of the night and hungry. There is a 7 hour time difference between MN and Hungary. Zion was very sick at this point with some kind of stomach bug.

We now live in a town called Sopron and it has a population of 62K. It is a fun town as it is a popular tourist town, we are pretty close to the center of downtown. The kids are having fun trying all the treats that their Dad grew up with. One of his favorites is a cottage cheese candy bar. It has a white cottage cheese inside and then covered in chocolate.

There seems to be treats and ice cream everywhere.

It has been fun to have Norbi's parents so close, we stop by or they come over. It is good for the kids to have time with them. They don't speak the same language as each other but get along just fine. They have a large garden and the kids have been helping with that.

On Sunday we went to an English/Hungarian church that we found. The pastor is an American and his wife is Hungarian, they were on vacation so we haven't met them yet. However, we did meet a lot of people that speak English including two other missionary girls. It was great fun and the kids spent the evening at youth group.

Yesterday we went on a prayer walk around the city, we are excited about all that God is going to do here! We prayed for people to have dreams and for their hearts to be open to know of God's love. Today Selah and I went to an orphanage and spent some time with the children there. We played games, made cookies, read Bible stories and Selah played soccer. They have some awesome missionary girls here that led it. We are excited to be a part of the work here in Hungary!

I am amazed at how much God loves and pursues people. He is so excited to work and move.

Please partner with us to bring Jesus to the people of Hungary. We do need your help to make this work possible, please consider and pray about supporting us monthly! It is an amazing opportunity to sow

into a country that has so few believers. With much love, The Báns.

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