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The First Few Weeks

Right now I am having a hard time processing the move to a different country. When I was young this was easy and exciting, as I am older now and had put down significant roots this is harder. Let me explain a little about this process... It feels like being stuck in a time machine right now. I am in a tunnel half way across the Atlantic. I can't go back and somehow my mind grows anxious in thinking back. I must keep in this tunnel and land on the other side. My physical body has landed but somehow my insides have not made it yet. My physical body feels stuck also, or maybe, it feels how people felt a hundred years ago? I no longer have a smart phone, I wash my clothes by hand (washing machine is hopefully on the way), we don't have a vehicle so we walk, we haul our groceries up the hill like a camel, no AC. I do have so many luxuries though, I have the internet, a laptop, running water, I can take a shower, and I have a fan.

Pray for me, pray that I will be able to fully land here.

It is interesting though how God is helping me process. First of all, He gave me a husband that is a good listener. Last night as I was sleeping I was processing. I woke up having spent 'time' talking to a policewoman about all of this change. Funny how God sends people to listen to me in my dreams! I have yet to speak to another American here.

I think what keeps me is the excitement of not knowing yet why God wants us here. Yes, we went and are now waiting to see God's plan unfold!

Norbi and the two older boys are leaving next week to go into a gypsy village. We are so excited about this and will share pictures and stories when they come back. Please pray for God's Spirit to fall and touch many lives bringing healing both physically and emotionally.

This week highlights:

Meeting former Finnish missionaries that worked here with Norbi 20 years ago in planting a church. Also, being able to see the church building and hearing the memories of that time.

Thanks Jyrki and Anne!

Traveling to Budapest to see Norbi's brother and his family. It was so special for me to see these two brothers together again. We are so thankful for all the love and gifts they showered on us. He has been a great help in finding us a vehicle.

As a family we have been pressing in and learning the ways of Jesus, we have been reading John and looking at what Jesus did here on earth. It has been an interesting study.

Lastly, we almost have a vehicle. We are just waiting on paperwork. Now to learn how to drive here :/

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