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Instant ministry opportunities here in Hungary

We just got back not long ago from a week long mission camp. I took my 2 oldest. We were helping in a gypsy village. Helping the kids with their reading, math, history and other educational needs while we were able to share Jesus with them. We had a really good time and hope we made eternal impact there also. On Thursday night I was able to share about Jesus at our service. I asked them if they want to receive Jesus in their hearts. I saw a lot of hands raised I than led them in prayer. It was such a special meeting with God's presence there. I was able to get a glimpse of the love God has for these gypsies. Please pray for this village called Kurtospuszta. They live in extreme poverty as you can see on these pictures. I heard some of the kids explaining how hard on them winter is since no heating in their mud houses. They are also behind in school. Most of the adults are not even able to read so getting jobs is very hard for them. The average age in this village is 10 years old as usually girls having babies at 13 and by the time they are in their 20's they are grandparents. There is not much hope for change here outside of God's provision.

Someone noticed that it's nice we have instant ministry opportunities here in Hungary. Most missionaries need to learn the language, but here I am thrown into ministry right away. What a great blessing! I started to go to minister at a mental hospital with my local church here in Sopron. What a place to have our presence! These people are precious in God's sight! Most churches don't even go close to a mental hospital. I had the opportunity to pray over several people who are confined to this institution. Some of them are excited to hear about God and request prayer. I'm excited of what God is going to do there through us! Healing, deliverance and restoration! I'm going to meet soon with pastors from local churches and see how we can work and do ministry together. All the evangelical pastors here in town get together about once a month and have a meeting/prayer for the city.

Leslie and Selah are going to an orphanage weekly to help kids there, hang out with them and give them love. They really enjoy this opportunity. We are working on starting an after school program here in English and hope to have that up and running by the middle of September. This is an amazing opportunity to be in the public schools and to meet many children and their families. Please pray for us as we prepare for this.

Helping kids read

Over a thousand year old church

My kids are making friends

We have a church service at this old old church

These houses are built out of mud

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