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For women of Hope

Our church building. Calvary Chapel of Sopron. About 25 people come on a Sunday morning

Youth group on Sunday afternoons. Share a message than we play. We usually have about 10 kids from the orphanage come for these events.

We pray on this hill for the city on Monday nights.

Underneath this hill is a Colosseum from the Roman Empire. Very possible that they executed Christians here.

This is the school in the background where we have the English Club

Downtown Sopron with the Fire tower.

Streets of Sopron

1000 years old church in a gypsy village

Izrael and Izaac at the gypsy camp. We helped them with school work in the mornings and had games, fun and church service in the afternoon

Inside the 1000 years old church

Helping a gypsy kid read. We use Bible verses and Bible stories.

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