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Today is one year in Hungary

We celebrated our 1 year anniversary by going to an All-American restaurant, McDonalds!

Today is one year in Hungary!

This year was filled with the excitement of trying new things to the longing of something familiar. It was a year of missing people as well as meeting new people.

In all truthfulness, I will say that this year has been one of the harder years of our lives. On the other hand one of the best years. It was a year of learning and pressing into God. A very present help to us. It is amazing to look back into my journal and see all the times God spoke to us. He showed us pictures, gave us dreams, prepared the way for us, gave us wisdom, taught us, gave us courage when our knees were knocking. We didn't know if we would have the strength, faith or the finances to be here. Yes, God got us through!

We went out with the kids to an open field right on the Austrian/Hungarian border to eat our PBJ sandwiches. The kids were joking that no Americans have ever eaten PBJ sandwich on that field before. This was a no go zone during communism. You were shot here if they caught you. Specially if you were American!

A little about the kids:

Izi grew like a weed here. He outgrew most of his clothes and has a shoe size of 12.5.

Izaac has a good ear for language and can make most of the Hungarian sounds perfectly.

Selah seems to have friends everywhere she goes even when she doesn't speak the same language.

Zion is still trying to fool the world that he doesn't speak at all and then behind closed doors he talks our ears off.

Please pray for the kids as they will be going into Hungarian public school this fall. This is a huge adjustment for them.

The rest of the summer is looking like this for us:

- Norbi preaches again on Sunday at Calvary Chapel and once a month on a regular basis on Sunday and teaching on Wednesday at the Pentecostal Church.

- Next week we move into a different apartment. Our house is still nowhere near being finished.

- We will help in two camps in August (like a VBS, except longer days) for the orphans here in Sopron. Please pray for the kids that attend this camp and us, it is very difficult at times as they have low attention spans and lack of discipline.

- Conference in Budapest. We are attending a 3 days long CFAN conference in August with the kids.

- And our regular commitments of delivering food, preachings, translating, meetings, prayer nights

We are having our family devotion at a nearby ice cream shop

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Please continue to pray for a spiritual awakening here in Hungary. We are in desperate need for God to move, Hungary is at less than 0.5% Evangelical Christians.

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