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2018 Ministry in Hungary

What a year! A year full of challenges, difficulties and miracles. Over 2 years ago, God started stirring and speaking to our hearts about missions. To be honest it was something we really did not want to hear. Our heads said no but our hearts said yes, so here we are on the mission field for over a year now.

When we arrived we had two goals:

1. Start an English club with the objective of being in the community and building relationships with non-believers. This was a success, we are able to go into a local public school and teach weekly there. We held a Christmas party where most of the children heard the gospel for the first time. In the summer we held our first English camp with kids coming from the school, community and church.

2. Teaching and helping in the church. We are heavily involved with different churches: teaching, preaching, translating, and prayer groups.

More unexpected ministry opportunities! Little did we know, that we would become involved with orphans, gypsies and IHOP. We have 4 orphanages here and are able to have youth group and camps with them. The second exciting opportunity has been to help with a group of gypsies. This is a mix of new Christians and those not yet believing in Jesus. We travel an hour away to a town that doesn’t have a church. Lastly, the beginning of an IHOP-International House of Prayer. We found an amazing group of Catholics that are so hungry for God. This has been such a joy for us.

We are under the leadership of Bethany Gateways. Their vision is to reach the unreached. I love this quote, “No one has the right to hear the gospel twice, while there remains someone who has not heard it once.” Oswald Smith. Bethany Gateways mission is to take the church to where it is not and help others do the same. Hungary is considered unreached (0.5%) as they have less than 2% Evangelical Christians.

Will you be a financial partner with us in this ministry? As our savings have come to an end we need monthly supporters, please consider $25, $50 or $100 for us to continue the work here. As we are investing our energy and time into the country of Hungary will you sow into us, that we will reap a harvest together?

For an easy way to do this, please visit: and select the Donate tab.

Please make checks payable to Bethany International and mail to Bethany International, 6820 Auto Club Road, Suite J, Bloomington, MN 55438. Please enclose a note with our name.

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