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Summer 2019

English Camp and other events

Throughout the school year we go into the public school here in Hungary and have an English club with students. In the summer we invite all these kids to join us for English camp at our church. This year we had five American students join us to help run this camp. We had a great time and most importantly, kids heard about God maybe even for the first time!

Here are some pictures of the week long event:

Coming up in August we will have a Bible Camp for the orphans in our city. Similar to the English Camp, games, fun, food and the Gospel in the center.

In May I went to the US for the first time in nearly two years. The main reason I went was for my sister’s wedding and I now have a new brother-in-law. Welcome to the family Jeremy!

It truly feels like I have two homes. It was great catching up with friends and family, and was not nearly enough time. I missed some people I would have loved to see and with others the time was way too short. I want to thank everyone who reached out to me and took care of me there. I so appreciated the warmth and love shown to me.

Looking ahead! In a little under a week we will be welcoming a very special couple here to Hungary, Carl and Sarah Anderson. I cannot even put into words how excited I am about them coming. I am so happy this area that has had so little invested into, is now seeing people pour into it. With prayers, finances and time. Carl and Sarah will be speaking, ministering and praying into this area. Please be praying for this time. That the shallow waters will suddenly become deep.

Bethany Interns are set to arrive at the beginning of Sept.

This is an amazing opportunity for this area, to welcome 6 students that are training for the mission field. We are busy with the preparations for this, some of what we are working on is: finding housing, arranging and learning how to teach them Hungarian, working on schedules for the coming year. We so covet your prayers as we have a lot to do.

An update on our monthly pledge support. We took a huge jump of faith in coming here and started with $300 a month in pledges. When Norbi went to the US last fall he was able to raise it to about $1,300 net a month. We are so very thankful for it and that some of you give one time donations also (which sometimes come just at the right time). However, this is still less than half of our monthly budget. Please consider monthly supporting our ministry.

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