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Big changes in the fall of 2019

The months of July and August consisted mostly of getting ready for the interns. We prepared three apartments for them. Included remodeling one, buying beds, furnishing and paperwork.

The ladies are working hard to get the apartment ready.

The ladies are working hard to get the apartment ready.

The boys are also working hard to destroy the apartment.

The boys are also working hard to destroy the apartment.

In September, 5 missionary interns arrived from Bethany Global University. The following weeks included : orientation, introductions, and getting them settled in.

The interns will be learning language and culture while doing Bible studies until January. At that time they will be released into part time ministry.

The Bethany Interns are here!

The Bethany Interns are here!

The first church service in Hungary

The first church service in Hungary

American football at my house!

American football at my house!

We had another big change. The main leader at one of the churches we work with was offered a job in Toronto. So in August, Norbi was asked to take his place. At the end of September Norbi took the responsibility of leading Monday prayer meeting and helping lead/preaching Sundays. Also, he was charged with starting and running a Bible school.

We are no longer doing the English club that we have had at the public school in Sopron. We changed the day from Tuesday to Thursday and saw a big drop in our numbers. We decided to pause this for the time being.

One of our priorities here is helping to start a house of prayer. This is moving ahead and we are looking at purchasing a place to meet. Right now we are meeting in homes and would love a place that we could go to anytime to worship God.

We are excited about this new phase that we are in. The kids are doing well. They work on school online and then have 4hrs of hungarian lessons. We are doing much better now that we are in our house and feeling more settled. We are so thankful!

My parents came from the US to visit us in October. We were so happy we could spend time with them. The kids hadn't seen them in 2.5 years.

On November 14th, we have welcomed another Bethany missionary intern. She transferred from Kenya. So now 6 interns are helping us here in Sopron.

Prayer requests:

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Interns

[if !supportLists]· [endif]New responsibilities with local church.

[if !supportLists]· [endif]A place to meet for the house of prayer.

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Supernatural help in learning Hungarian for Leslie and kids.

Also, this spring/summer we will welcome 2 mission teams here. Please be in prayer about this.

We are so thankful for all of you. You have encouraged us, prayed for us and given so that lives will be changed eternally!

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