2020 in a nutshell
Never have we seen such a strange year and it wasn't just us going through this but the whole world. Not ever did we imagine that we would be wearing masks, having a curfew, allowed to shop at certain times and watching soldiers with machines guns walking the streets.
Nevertheless, it's that time of the year again! Time to look back at what God has done in the past 12 months. Despite of all the craziness we had some amazing things happen!
Here are a few Highlights
· Starting the Bible school.
In February we started an accredited International Bible School (as part of the International School Of Ministry) at our church that can give a BA college degree in about 3.5-4 years. Norbi is the instructional teacher in this Bible School.
· Official opening of the House of Prayer.
We have been a part of this founding group now for almost three years. This year we launched it to the public and bought a room to meet in. I love this group and ministry and strongly believe that this is the gateway to revival here.
· Leading and discipling missionary interns.
Due to COVID we lost our first year of interns in April. All of the interns were pulled off the field mainly because Bethany Gateways did not know exactly what would happen with this virus. In August we welcomed 8 new interns. Norbi has been teaching them Hungarian and next month they will be launched into ministry. We have many different ministries planned for them some include: youth work, college ministries, helping with two different churches, house of prayer, orphan ministry and hopefully all the summer camps.
We’ve been amazed at the generosity of our partners and donors during this year. We realize most of you don’t know what goes on behind the scenes here, so it takes a measure of faith to entrust your financial gifts to us. We are so very thankful! We could not be here without you.
God is good and He is the Redeemer and can redeem anything, including a pandemic. We firmly believe God is already turning this into an avenue for revival and we think there will be outpourings happening around the world in the months ahead. This is the season of seed germinating!
We rely greatly on the money that comes in at this time. Any donation you make to us is tax deductible. As you probably know, we are able to do what God has called us to do because of the generosity of our partners and donors. As you seek the Lord about how he’d have you steward your finances, please take a moment to ask if he’d have you give to what he’s doing here.
Blessings, Norbert, Leslie and Family www.missionconnection.org