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Fall 2021

Slovenia conference with Bethany interns

Things are happening fast over here!

It has been so remarkable to be at church and see non-believers scattered throughout. It is one of the most exciting times when people hear the gospel for the first time!

Here is an interesting little story that happened last week that puts a smile on my face. A middle age woman had come forward to receive Jesus after the message. One of the leaders asked those that had come forward if they want eternal life. This woman's face was that of panic and horror. "No, no, I do not want eternal life," she replied. Yes, it must sound so strange to people who have never heard of heaven or hell or have even thought for a moment what happens after death. Did you know that people on average hear the gospel 3-7 times before accepting it? We have our work cut out for us!

It has been exciting times for us to look over the people who have been coming to church. The two that are so far from God but have friends and family that are believers so they come. The young man that Norbi met and told him about the youth group. “Go check out this group.” To watch him pace back and forth trying to get enough courage to enter the youth room… but he didn’t. We see him again in town and have coffee with him. ”Check out the youth group,” we say, “ it will be great!” This time he does. He now is at church almost every time it is open. Not saved yet, but he feels God love as we love on him. Please pray for him. His name is Nandor.

At the other church we have homeless people coming regularly and hearing the gospel. Yesterday I taught on what I think is one of the most important key in life. That is hearing God’s voice! I am so excited to see and hear about times where God has spoken to us and we obeyed and our lives were changed! I have several examples of this. God speaks plus we obey equals miracle!

Selah is sharing her testimony on hearing God's voice when Leslie was preaching at church

Our biggest ever Thanksgiving happened here! More than 80 people came. Second annual American- Hungarian Thanksgiving in Sopron, Hungary. I think we experienced the multiplication of food! We only had 4 small turkeys, but everyone ate enough, some multiple times and we still had leftovers. We thank God for this wonderful event! The hall where we gathered and actually where the church meets on Sundays, this is the hall where Franz Liszt played when he was in town. I know Pastor Brian would appreciate this fact.

(FYI-we are heavily involved in 2 churches. One is a Calvary Chapel Church that the interns help a lot and the other church is the one that we are in leadership at (part of the AG) and we are often leading services or preaching there.)

This fall we saw the arrival of four new interns and the leaving of the previous eight this month. It’s a time of getting the new interns situated into the culture and teaching them basic Hungarian.

We are so thankful for this group of pioneers! The youth is so on our hearts and a great work was started here with them.

If you are interested in reading what the interns have been doing keep on reading. We are so grateful for the work they did here with the youth of Sopron!

We currently have 12 interns in Hungary and we are getting ready to send off eight of them. They have been here for 16 months! In that time a lot has happened.

A little snap shot of what they do here.

Sunday they attend one church(Calvary Chapel) in the morning and another(Pentecostal) in the afternoon. Sometimes they share personal testimonies and what God has teaching them. Sometimes sing worship songs in English.

Monday morning they start the day off with prayer at the Prayer House for 2 hours and then end the day with prayer at the Pentecostal church.

Tuesday they have the day off.

Wednesday prayer at the House of Prayer for 2 hours in the morning with Bible study at night. Worship event follows the study.

Thursday we have team meeting-this is usually a time of discussing future plans, sharing and eating. In the evening they have two different groups that meet. Building relationships through English. One is more of a teaching English class and the other is conversational English. These two groups have provided an excellent way to meet and build relationships.

Friday morning is prayer at House of Prayer, again for 2 hours. In the evening they have Bible study for young adults.

Saturday evening they have youth group.

They are part time students so in the time that is not filled they are either doing their homework or building relationships with people here.

So as you can see their time here is saturated in prayer, being with the body of Christ the church and also building bridges into the community. They have made so many relationships with non-believers and have planted so many seeds.

We are so thankful for this group of pioneers! The youth is so on our hearts and a great work was started here with them.

Team meeting at the AG church



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