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Greetings from Hungary!

Our return to Hungary started out as a whirlwind of activity. The Jesus Film project kick off!

After the Ukrainian war started, we found this whole people group that was living in extreme poverty. As they entered Hungary we saw children without shoes, many were not clothed properly. Also not having adequate food. As we were meeting the physical needs, we were wondering how we could help them spiritually grow. This is especially challenging when most of them don’t know how to read or write.

A contact with Jesus Film led to a perfect solution to this problem. A visual way of seeing the gospel and then studying it afterwards with the Knowing Jesus visual Bible study.

The first time Norbi showed this movie in Ukraine he was shocked. They were so involved, they were crying and screaming at the screen during different scenes, mostly when they were crucifying Jesus. They were so touched by it in a powerful way.

Right now, we are in the process of training leaders and starting home churches in 8 different locations on the eastern side of Hungary.

Please pray for this project, that many will come to Jesus and be discipled.

2 weeks ago we travelled to Ukraine to bring much needed help to people in need. We thank Dave and Gloria to made this trip possible with the money they raised for this project.

Many, many thanks for standing with us. Blessings



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