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Mission Connection

What did the past summer look like here? By June most activities at church were back up and running. Monday night prayer meeting, Wednesday Bible study, Bible College classes on Saturdays, Sunday church also started up again a little later. Besides church one of our main ministries in this strange COVID time was to be able to use the apartments that the previous interns had left to bless people here. It was some work cleaning and making meals but it was also such a joy to welcome visitors from all over Hungary. Some haven't had vacation in years and it was a great blessing to many people.

In late August we welcomed 8 missionary interns to Hungary. It was actually a miracle how they got here.

In August we started hearing rumblings of how something was going to change with COVID related restriction on September 1st. We let Bethany know but in no way did we know of how drastic of a change that was heading our way. The leadership set into motion a fast track to get the students here over two weeks earlier than originally planned. The students thinking they had a month to prepare all of a sudden had two weeks to leave the country. The day they left the US, Hungary announced severe travel restrictions. No foreigners were allowed into the country. They arrived and proceeded to a two week quarantine in their apartments. They had to post a big sticker on their doors saying that no one is allowed to leave or enter because of the COVID which scared the neighbors half to death. Before we knew it they were out of quarantine and orientation began.

This is usually a really fun part of the year for us. Besides going over guidelines and topics such as conflict resolution, expectations, cultural differences and history, we threw in a fun day. After a wild day of chasing around town doing different activities they arrived at our place for some goulash soup over the open fire.

As some of you remember this is always a special treat when Norbi makes this. As orientation wraps up we will soon start Hungarian lessons on Monday.

Another exciting development is the opening of the new youth room in the center of Sopron! Quite a lot of work went into remodeling this place, but our interns were able to help with this project and we opened it up with a dedication service on September 19th. The interns will be able to use this building right in the heart of Sopron!

The Soproni Evangéliumi Gyülekezet (AG church) needs to move to a larger building to be able to fulfill the local guidelines for COVID restrictions. We are planning to rent a hall just for Sundays. Please pray we can find a suitable place for this.

To answer some questions we have had in the past.

Why do you have missionary interns? We have interns here to teach, train and introduce them to mission. Our churches have a huge shortage of people in their teens, 20's and 30's. A main focus of our mission is bringing people into the Kingdom, all ages. The age 14 to 17 is the most receptive to the gospel. It is so exciting to already see the interns building relationships and reaching out to the youth here!

Do you get paid to have interns? No, but we do get some money for teaching them language in the first 3 months.

Any questions you have? Please let us know!

House of prayer. We opened the doors to the public at the end of September. Once a week we are planning to keep it open for everyone interested in coming. This ministry we believe will have a huge impact on the spiritual atmosphere here in this city and also the country. We so covet your prayers for wisdom for us. Thank you for standing with us in reaching Hungary! As you know, we could not do this without people supporting us. We are so very thankful for your support and prayers.



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