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Prayer in Jerusalem

Short update

For the last five years we have been part of the House of Prayer here in Sopron. This has been a life changing experience and we believe the Key to changing the spiritual atmosphere here in Hungary. The spiritual climate is very difficult, even though Hungary says they are a Christian nation. A huge struggle is apathy, skepticism/doubt.

This winter we were asked to be part of a spiritual ‘parliament’ for Hungary. This is a group of people who have stepped up to contend for our nation. Through this group, came an invite to be involved in a Watchman on the Wall program in Israel. It is a short term program in which we will be working with the House of Prayer in Jerusalem. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week they worship. We will be involved in helping with worship and other tasks. Please pray for us that we will receive all that God has for us there. That we will be a blessing in Jerusalem, learn and grow, be refreshed and renewed.

Somehow this feels very important in our spiritual journey as a piece of the puzzle that God has planned for us. Many of you probably don’t know this but Norbi is Jewish. Maybe you guessed since our children are named: Izrael, Izaac, Selah, Zion. Norbi’s Grandmother is a holocaust survivor who was Ukrainian. Norbi’s mother as a young child scraped the numbers out of her mother’s arm.

As for the work with the Ukrainian refugees, we have reached the end of the resources. We are raising funds and hope to continue when we are back. In the last 6 months we put 12,000 miles on our car driving to Ukraine. On the last trip Norbi hit a manhole on the side of the road. The cover was off, as they are often stolen and sold. Our car is now leaking oil at a fast rate, and we will need to replace the car. Please pray for resources to come in to be able to continue mission with the Ukrainian refugees and now for a car also. We need a car that doesn't have a loan on it, because the comprehensive insurance does not allow you to drive it over the border into a war zone.

You can give to the Ukrainian refugee mission here:

You can give to our personal fund for the vehicle here:


Norbert, Leslie and the kids


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