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Summer 2021

Four years! It’s crazy to think back to that day 4 years ago when we came to Hungary. I felt like Abraham leaving all that I knew minus the animals. Lord, it would have been easier if I had felt the safety of how we would live here. It was like jumping off a cliff and hoping that we would be saved. Well, I can say we were saved! God never lets us down. God was faithful. Such miracles we saw.

Four years later looking back at our time I am completely amazed by God.

Mission Connections.

This has been our name from the beginning. To connect people with God and to connect people to each other. Somehow in there we have also been connecting churches together also. Interesting! We work helping grow two churches, work with the House of Prayer and have good connections and occasionally work with two other churches. Those are the pillars of our work here. Then we build bridges every way we can into the community. Through different English classes/clubs, soccer group, airsoft battles, Zumba, summer camps, we taught English at the local public school, anything we can think of to meet new people! Being able to bring them into youth group, young adults group and into the churches and most importantly into the Kingdom of God.

Two years ago we started receiving missionary interns from the US. They stay with us for over a year and help us in ministry. We have a huge problem in this area of having few young people that love God. They have been instrumental in talking and influencing the youth in the city of Sopron. Also, two years ago Norbi was asked to be in leadership at the local Pentecostal church.

Looking ahead to the future... The future holds so many exciting opportunities. One of the main ventures that we are looking forward to is traveling to churches and doing outreaches with them to help draw in the youth. Doing a Friday night and Saturday kids program ending with bring your family to church on Sunday.

We also need to look forward and start a plan for training up the youth that will give their life to Christ.

Our interns just came back from a week long camp at a gypsy village. They had an amazing time, but still waiting to hear the full report.

On a more personal note.

We are looking at launching our two oldest sons soon. Izi is 18 now and Izaac is 17 in a month. Our house is finally looking more like a ‘normal’ house. It is under 800sqft but somehow feels bigger. It’s good for our family but difficult to have guests at times. Norbi’s back is slowly recovering and if you can pray for that. We will have more interns in September and it is usually a crazy busy time until March.

We want to end with a huge Thank you for your prayers and support of us here. We couldn’t have done it without you!



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